High school water polo talent development environments and team cohesion:
Performance comparisons and correlations
Long-term player development, Alignment of expectations, Support networks, Task cohesion, Social cohesionAbstract
Organised school sport is integral to the development pathways of most South African sports. The highly competitive nature of inter-school leagues often prioritises short-term success over long-term player development. The study compared successful and less successful teams in various talent development environments (TDE) and team cohesion variables based on the log position of a high school’s tournament (u/15 and u/18 age-groups) and established correlations between these variables. A cross-sectional design was used, and 146 boys (average age: 15.51±1.23 years) completed the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5) and the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (YSEQ) before the 2020 Mazinter Cup. The top three u/18 teams had significantly higher TDEQ-5 (Overall), Alignment of Expectations, Support Networks, YSEQ (Overall Cohesion), Task Cohesion and Social Cohesion scores than the bottom three teams. The results underscore the well-established cohesion–performance relationship. There were no differences at the u/15 level, where players competed in this age-group for the first time. Moderately strong positive correlations existed between various TDEQ-5 and YSEQ variables. Fostering team cohesion is integral to successful TDEs. Long-term player development and team success can be pursued simultaneously.
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