Kinderkinetics motor intervention framework for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder:
An e-Delphi perspective
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), e-Delphi survey, Framework Kinderkinetics, Motor intervention, Paediatric exercise scienceAbstract
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor coordination disorder that persists if intervention is not provided. Local guidelines are unavailable for intervention in children with probable DCD (p-DCD), and the aim of this study was to develop a motor intervention framework focusing specifically on the South African population within the scope of kinderkinetics, based on expert information, as a guideline for children with DCD or p-DCD. Twenty-nine kinderkinetics experts from South Africa participated in a three-round e-Delphi process. Round one obtained consensus and opinions from the experts by reviewing literature findings on intervention for children with DCD or p-DCD. Rounds two and three were based on answers and opinions provided in round one to determine an 80% agreement to accept the statement. Ten main elements formed the foundation for the motor intervention framework. The main focus areas of the framework were intervention planning, goal setting, intervention approaches, intervention apparatus, intervention delivery mode, additional role players, settings, dosage (time, duration, frequency and number of sessions), and evaluation. Understanding that the causes of DCD are heterogeneous was essential in finalising the framework. The research provided unique and collated feedback from kinderkinetics experts to develop a motor intervention framework for children with DCD or p-DCD within the scope of kinderkinetics in South Africa.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aletta M Du Plessis, Monique de Milander, Frederik F Coetzee, Dané Coetzee (Author)
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