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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Support documents provided as per authors' guidelines regarding checklists for specific study designs.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Cover letter indicating 1) the manuscript contains original research; 2) the work has not been published before; 3) the manuscript is not currently under review by another journal; and 4) all authors have read and approved the manuscript.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Authors' Guidelines.
  • Abstract not more than 200 words.
  • Title page is included, indicating the authors, their affiliations and contact details as well as the corresponding author and contact details.
  • The text is 1.0 spaced; uses a 10-point font in Times New Roman; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the references, each on a separate page. The text in the tables and figures should be in 10-point Times New Roman.
  • An ethical approval number is supplied, or a statement indicating which body approved the study is included in the section "Ethical considerations".

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines
The International Journal of Indigenous Language Media and Discourse is published by the North-West University, South Africa. Contributions from Media Studies, Communication Studies, Language Studies, Literary Studies, Film Studies, Dramatic Arts, Anthropology and other relevant fields will be considered for publication. The articles submitted will be administered by the appropriate Subject Review Editor and evaluated by two or more referees. The decision as to whether a particular article will be published rests with the Editorial Board.

Manuscripts that do not comply with the following process, style and format requirements will not be handled.

Manuscripts should be typed with SINGLE spacing in 10-point Times New Roman letter size for the text. All the text in tables and figures should be in 10-point Times New Roman font size and single spacing. Please do not use Calibri. The length may not exceed 20 pages (tables, figures, references, etc. included). The page setup (cm) must be in the following format:

MARGINS                     PAPER SIZE
Top: 3.56 cm                 Width: 17.5 cm
Bottom: 1.78 cm          Height: 24.5 cm
Left: 2.11 cm
Right: 2.11 cm
Gutter: 0.00 cm
Header: 2.03 cm
Footer: 0.89 cm

Original manuscripts may be submitted in English and should be uploaded to the journal website.

The Editor (Prof. Abiodun Salawu)
Editorial Office
International Journal of Indigenous Language Media and Discourse
Indigenous Language Media in Africa Research Entity
North-West University,
Republic of South Africa
Tel.: +27 (0)18-389 2238

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter in which the following is declared: (1) that the manuscript contains original research; (2) that the manuscript or parts of the manuscript have not been published elsewhere previously; (3) that the manuscript is not currently being presented elsewhere for publication; and (4) that all the authors have read and approved the manuscript. This signed declaration regarding the originality must accompany each manuscript. The cover letter must contain a rationale for how the manuscript is novel, why it is relevant to the journal, and how the research contributes to the field or advances the evidence base.

We discourage the practice of parts of the same study submitted for other issues of this Journal. Authors who submit a manuscript from a study in which some data have been or will be published elsewhere must provide a strong justification in the accompanying letter to the editor. The justification for not publishing all the data together in one paper must also be motivated in the cover letter.

The author should also ensure that the manuscript's language has been edited thoroughly by the time of submission.

Manuscripts must be presented in a format compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows (PC). Tables, all figures (illustrations, diagrams, etc.), and graphs are regarded as text and must be presented in a format compatible with MS Word. Figures should be accessible for any text corrections. Photographs must be presented in jpg format.

Title page
The first page of each manuscript should indicate the title in English, the names (title, first name in full and other initials, surname) of the author(s), and the telephone numbers (work & home [& mobile for local authors]), Email address and the field of study. The complete mailing address and telephone numbers of the corresponding author and the institution (department, faculty, university, city, country) where the work was conducted should be provided in full. When more than one author and/or authors from various departments and institutions are involved, the 1author(s) must be numbered according to their 1department(s). If any of the information mentioned above should change during the review process, please inform the Subject Editor. A short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces) should be provided for use as a running heading. The title page should be submitted separately to ensure a blinded review process.

Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 150-200 words in English and should be set on a separate page as a SINGLE paragraph (single spacing). A list of three to seven keywords in English is required for indexing purposes and should be typed below the abstract in alphabetical order.

Start the text on a new page with the article's title (centralized and without the authors' names). Use only one line space after a paragraph. Only make use of section breaks and not page breaks. The text, as well as the tables and figures, may not be in any other format than normal. Thus, no style sheets may be used in the list of references.

Tables and figures
Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.). Tables require the heading at the top, while figures have the legend below, and neither must be included in the cells of the table/figure. Note: Use the decimal POINT (not the decimal comma). The site where the table or figure should be placed in the text must be indicated clearly in the manuscript. All tables and figures will be placed after the reference list on a separate page, always ending with a section break. Any preference for the use of colour in the case of figures or photographs must be noted and will be at an additional cost to the page tariff.

Tables/figures must be contained/fit within the page setup described earlier for this Journal. A portrait layout is preferred for all tables/figures. Tables must use separate rows/columns (do not merge cells) for each item. Figures must be in Word and accessible so corrections or changes can be made within the figure where necessary. The font type in figures should be Times New Roman. Please ensure that the figures are especially of high quality for printing purposes. Any preference for the use of colour in the case of figures or photographs must be noted and will be at an additional cost to the page tariff.

The text must adopt the APA referencing by providing the author's surname and date in parentheses. For example, Darlington (2003); Kingsley and Larry (2015); (Bossman & Sanchez, 2022); McGraw et al. (2021) or (Darlington, 2003:40) where Darlington is not part of the sentence and page number is added for a direct quotation. More than one reference must be arranged chronologically (Darlington, 2003; Kingsley & Larry, 2015). Note that et al. (italics) is used in the body of the text from the beginning when there are more than two authors, but never in the list of references, where all authors must be provided.

List of references
Only the references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically according to the authors' surname (last name) after the body of text under the heading REFERENCES (uppercase) starting on a new page. Suppose the TITLE of an article, book, etc., is in any other language than English. In that case, the author must also provide an English translation of the title in parentheses (this also applies to Afrikaans titles).

In the case of articles published in JOURNALS, references listed should include the surnames and initials (upper case and with full-stop and without spaces between initials) of all authors, the date of the publication in parentheses, the full title of the article, the full title of the journal (italics and no abbreviations), the volume number, the series/issue number in parentheses (if the said journal does not use issue numbers, the month of publication should be used), followed by a comma and a space with the first and last page numbers separated by a hyphen. In the case of online journals, use "online" if page numbers are not provided. The use of the correct punctuation is of importance.

If the reference is a BOOK, the surname (last name) and initials (with full-stop and without spaces) of the author or editor (Ed.) must be provided, followed by the date of publication in parentheses followed by a full-stop, the title of the book (italics) as given on the title page, the number of the edition (ed.) in parentheses, the city (and abbreviation for the state in the case of the USA OR the country) where published, followed by a colon, a space and the name of the publisher.

For a CHAPTER in a book, the page numbers of the chapter cited must be provided in parentheses (not italics) after the title of the book (pp. 20-29). For further details, authors should consult the most recent publication of this Journal for other examples.

If the reference is a THESIS (master's level) or DISSERTATION (doctoral level), italics are not used in the title as it is an unpublished work. Provide the city's name, state/country, colon, university and department/faculty.

For ELECTRONIC SOURCES, all references start with the same information that would be provided for a printed source (if available). The web page information follows the reference style. It will usually contain the name of the author(s) (if known), year of publication or last revision, title of complete work in inverted commas, title of web page, Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or access path in square text brackets (do not end the path statement with a full stop), full stop after the closing bracket and date of access (Retrieved on 10 December 2023). For specific examples, go to the NWU APA Referencing Guide at When citing a website in the text, merely provide the author and date. When reference is made to a specific statement (quotation) in the article/document, and no page number can be provided, the word 'online' is used for citing in the text (Van der Merwe, 2023: online).

When referencing an article in a NEWSPAPER, the keyword of the newspaper is typed in capitals, as this is how it will appear in the alphabetical listing of references namely The CAPE ARGUS (The) will appear under "C" or BURGER (Die) will appear under "B".

In the case of a paper presented in conference PROCEEDINGS, the editors and the title of the proceedings, the page numbers of the article being referred to and the details of the congress (when and where it was held) and by whom (city, state, publisher) the proceedings were published should be provided.

Examples of the style of formulations for different references
Munoriyarwa, A., Chiumbu, S., & Motsaathebe, G. (2023). Artificial intelligence practices in everyday news production: The case of South Africa's mainstream newsrooms. Journalism Practice, 17(7), 1374-1392.

Motsaathebe, G. (2020). Re-imagining news values and labels of controversies with reference to political scandals. Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research, 46(1), 21-39.

McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail's mass communication theory. Sage publications.

Chapter in book
Salawu, A.S. (2004). Identity Politics and the Indigenous Language Press: A Case Study of the Alaroye Publications. In Duro Oni et al. (ed.) Nigeria and Globalisation: Discourses on Identity Politics and Social Conflict (pp. 257-274). Lagos: CBAAC.

Sabelo, J. (2024). The Use of Indigenous Languages in Agricultural Radio Programmes and Farmers' Productivity in North-West Province, South Africa. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Mahikeng, South Africa: North-West University.

Proceedings of a conference
Adeyeye, B. & Salawu, A. (2023). Effectiveness of YouTube in the Learning and Preservation of Yoruba Language in Nigeria. Proceedings of THE NATIONAL HUMANITIES HIGHER DEGREE CONFERENCE (NHHD), Vanderbijlpark, South Africa 24-27 November 2023

Personal communication/correspondence/interview
Salawu, A. (2024). Personal communication from the Director Indigenous Language in Africa Research Entity at the North-West University, Mahikeng Campus, on 27 February 2024.

Jacobs, L. (2023). Personal interview with the Spokesperson of UNICEF, 25 August, Pretoria.

CAPE ARGUS (The) (1997). 25 March, p. 5.

Electronic source
Somerville, K. (2014). "South Sudan: How Hate Radio Was Used to Incite Bentin Massacres". Available at Retrieved on 24 April 2014

ADMINISTRATIONIf authors honour the rules and specifications for submitting manuscripts, unnecessary delays will be avoided. Requesting 'copyright' concerning figures or photographs is the authors' responsibility and should be indicated. As stated above, a manuscript that does not meet the requirements will be returned to the author without evaluation. A subject specialist Editor administers and coordinates the assessment of the referees and provides the final recommendation.

The corresponding author will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal and five reprints of the article that could be shared with the co-authors. The original manuscripts and illustrations will be discarded one month after publication unless a request is received to return the original to the corresponding author. No publishing fee is charged for now.

Original research
This section is open to all authors. Submissions to this section must be based on original research and will be subject to peer review.

Copyright Notice
The author holds the copyright of The International Journal of Indigenous Language Media and Discourse.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The journal adheres to the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013.


Original research

This section is open to all authors. Submissions to this section must be based on original research and will be subject to peer review.

Systematic reviews

This section is open to all authors. All submissions will be subjected to peer review.


This section is open to all section editors. Submissions will not be peer reviewed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

All stakeholders associated with the IJILMD are committed to protecting authors' personal or identifiable information, as per the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 in the Republic of South Africa. The IJILMD has implemented a strict data management policy that ensures that all personal and identifiable information is handled according to the principles of the Act.